You have a great online business idea along with investors and a team ready to get behind your plan. You are looking for a software development company to build a minimum viable product (MVP) to showcase your business goal. The successfulness of your MVP will affect how you place yourself in the market. As a business professional, you know a business application will boost your growth.
您和投资者以及一个随时准备支持您的计划的团队一起,都有一个很棒的在线业务构想。 您正在寻找一家软件开发公司来构建最低可行产品(MVP),以展示您的业务目标。 MVP的成功将影响您如何进入市场。 作为业务专业人员,您知道业务应用程序将促进您的增长。
Yet, sometimes business dexterity may not always cover technicalities in putting a business on the Internet. This is especially the case in the development and construction of an app. Regardless, businesses must strive to learn as much about the online world as possible. Hence, when aiming for an app, they should be discussing questions like:
但是,有时业务敏捷性可能并不总是涵盖将业务放在Internet上的技术。 在开发和构建应用程序时尤其如此。 无论如何,企业必须努力学习尽可能多的有关在线世界的知识。 因此,在开发应用程序时,他们应该讨论以下问题:
- What technology stack is the best? 哪种技术堆栈最好?
Which language will the software development company use? Why?
软件开发公司将使用哪种语言? 为什么?
- Are there more options or alternatives? Why this? 还有更多选择或替代方案吗? 为什么这个?
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