发布时间:2022-08-19 11:58
istio 服务网格
by Deepu K Sasidharan
通过Deepu K Sasidharan
You can find a more up to date version of this post that uses JHipster 6 and latest Istio & Kubernetes versions here.
您可以在此处找到使用JHipster 6和最新Istio&Kubernetes版本的此帖子的最新版本。
Istio is the coolest kid on the DevOps and Cloud block now. For those of you who aren’t following close enough — Istio is a service mesh for distributed application architectures, especially the ones that you run on the cloud with Kubernetes. Istio plays extremely nice with Kubernetes, so nice that you might think that it’s part of Kubernetes.
Istio现在是DevOps和Cloud领域最酷的孩子。 对于那些关注不够的人来说-Istio是用于分布式应用程序体系结构的服务网格 ,尤其是您使用Kubernetes在云上运行的体系结构。 Istio与Kubernetes玩得非常好,以至于您可能认为它是Kubernetes的一部分。
If you are still wondering, what the heck is a service mesh or Istio? then let's have an overview of Istio.
如果您仍然想知道,到底什么是服务网格或Istio? 接下来让我们来概述一下Istio。
Istio provides the following functionality in a distributed application architecture:
Service discovery — Traditionally provided by platforms like Netflix Eureka or Consul.
服务发现-传统上由Netflix Eureka或Consul之类的平台提供。
Automatic load balancing — You might have used Netflix Zuul for this.
自动负载平衡—您可能为此使用了Netflix Zuul 。
Routing, circuit breaking, retries, fail-overs, fault injection — Think of Netflix Ribbon, Hytrix and so on.
路由,电路中断,重试,故障转移 ,故障注入—想想Netflix Ribbon , Hytrix等。
Metrics, logs, and traces — Think of ELK or Stack driver
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