发布时间:2024-01-02 12:30
学生姓名陶龑学 号2016301033所在学院通信工程学院专业名称嵌入式系统课程设计班 级2014级软件班指导教师
刘强成 绩
关键词:简易电子计算器 STM32 C语言 Keil5
Design and implementation of Multi Function Electronic Clock based on STM32
Abstract: The traditional electronic calculator calculator for electronic and digital, to reduce the time error and volume, and provide more extended utility function, so that the more extensive application of electronic calculators. After searching and collecting data, in this paper, the concept of a design based on STM32 chip as the core controller, using Keil5 platform, simple electronic calculator based on C language software programming, the TFT-LCD LCD screen for input and output, with four keys, so as to realize the display of input data and the basic the function of add, subtract, multiply and divide operations.
Through the software program, hardware circuit principle of the electronic calculator realization, normal work process and the principle of graph simulation, hardware installation and hardware debugging process, the simple electronic calculator is used in daily life and work.
Key words: Simple electronic calculator STM32 language C Keil5
目 录
前 言1
1 设计要求2
2 设计目的与作用2
3 所用设备及软件2
4 系统设计方案2
4.1 系统总体设计2
4.2 简要阐述系统工作原理3
5 系统硬件设计4
5.1 系统整体设计4
5.2 各单元电路设计4
5.2.1 电源电路4
5.2.2 LCD液晶显示电路4
5.2.3 简易电子计算器电路5
5.2.4 按键电路5
5.2.5 蜂鸣器电路5
5.2.6 复位电路6
5.2.7 串口电路6
6 系统软件设计6
6.1 主程序设计6
6.2 子程序设计7
6.2.1 显示模块7
6.2.2 按键处理模块8
6.2.3 实时简易电子计算器万年历模块8
7 仿真调试分析9
8 设计中的问题及解决方法10
9 学习心得10
附 录12