
发布时间:2023-12-27 13:00


记录常用的es 查询 聚合

GET _cat / indices

GET / p_ext_develop / _mapping / g

GET / p_ext_develop / _analyze {
\"field\": \"other_name_en\",
\"text\": \"(3S)-N-Boc-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-3-carboxylicacid;\"

GET / hs2840 / _analyze {
\"query\": {
\"term\": {
\"cas\": {
\"value\": \"29173500\"
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"from\": \"2018-01\",
\"to\": \"2018-12\"

GET / p_ext_develop / g / _search {
\"query\": {
\"constant_score\": {
\"filter\": {
\"term\": {
\"products_name_en.text\": \"Benzoic Acid\"
\"boost\": 1.2

GET / p_ext_develop / g / _search {
\"query\": {
\"filtered\": {
\"filter\": {
\"bool\": {
\"should\": [{
\"term\": {
\"other_name_en\": \"acid\"



DELETE / p_ext_develop
GET / p_ext_develop / g / _search {
\"size\": 300,
\"query\": {
\"function_score\": {
\"query\": {
\"bool\": {
\"should\": [{
\"query_string\": {
\"fields\": [\"products_name_en\", \"other_name_en\"],
\"query\": \"Benzoic acid\"
\"term\": {
\"delflag\": \"0\"
\"functions\": [{
\"filter\": {
\"term\": {
\"products_name_en\": \"Benzoic acid\"
\"weight\": 15
\"filter\": {
\"regexp\": {
\"products_name_en\": \"[Bb]enzoic [Aa]cid\"
\"weight\": 13
\"filter\": {
\"regexp\": {
\"products_name_en\": \"[Bb]enzoic [Aa]cid.*\"
\"weight\": 12
\"filter\": {
\"term\": {
\"other_name_en\": \"Benzoic acid\"
\"weight\": 10
\"filter\": {
\"regexp\": {
\"other_name_en\": \"[Bb]enzoic [Aa]cid\"
\"weight\": 8
\"filter\": {
\"regexp\": {
\"other_name_en\": \"[Bb]enzoic [Aa]cid.*\"
\"weight\": 7
\"filter\": {
\"query_string\": {
\"fields\": [\"products_name_en\"],
\"query\": \"Benzoic acid\"
\"weight\": 2
\"sort\": [{
\"_score\": {
\"order\": \"desc\"
\"supplier_count\": {
\"order\": \"desc\"

GET / p_ext_develop / g / _search {
\"query\": {
\"function_score\": {
\"query\": {
\"match_all\": {}
\"functions\": [{
\"filter\": {
\"term\": {
\"products_name_en.text\": \"[Bb]enzoic [Aa]cid\"
\"weight\": 30
\"filter\": {
\"prefix\": {
\"products_name_en.text\": \"Benzoic Acid\"
\"weight\": 29
\"filter\": {
\"query\": {
\"wildcard\": {
\"products_name_en.text\": {
\"value\": \"Benzoic Acid\"
\"weight\": 28
\"filter\": {
\"term\": {
\"other_name_en.text\": \"Benzoic Acid\"
\"weight\": 27
\"filter\": {
\"prefix\": {
\"other_name_en.text\": \"Benzoic Acid\"
\"weight\": 26
\"filter\": {
\"query\": {
\"wildcard\": {
\"other_name_en.text\": {
\"value\": \"Benzoic Acid\"
\"weight\": 25

GET / p_ext_develop / g / _search {
\"size\": 300,
\"query\": {
\"function_score\": {
\"query\": {
\"bool\": {
\"must\": [{
\"query_string\": {
\"fields\": [\"products_name_en\", \"other_name_en\"],
\"query\": \"Benzoic acid\"
\"term\": {
\"delflag\": \"0\"
\"functions\": [{
\"filter\": {
\"term\": {
\"products_name_en.text\": \"Benzoic acid\"
\"weight\": 15
\"filter\": {
\"regexp\": {
\"products_name_en.text\": \"[Bb]enzoic [Aa]cid\"
\"weight\": 13
\"filter\": {
\"regexp\": {
\"products_name_en.text\": \"[Bb]enzoic [Aa]cid.*\"
\"weight\": 12
\"filter\": {
\"term\": {
\"other_name_en.text\": \"Benzoic acid\"
\"weight\": 10
\"filter\": {
\"regexp\": {
\"other_name_en.text\": \"[Bb]enzoic [Aa]cid\"
\"weight\": 8
\"filter\": {
\"regexp\": {
\"other_name_en.text\": \"[Bb]enzoic [Aa]cid.*\"
\"weight\": 7
\"filter\": {
\"query_string\": {
\"fields\": [\"products_name_en\"],
\"query\": \"Benzoic acid\"
\"weight\": 2
\"sort\": [{
\"_score\": {
\"order\": \"desc\"
\"supplier_count\": {
\"order\": \"desc\"

PUT / p_ext_develop {
\"mappings\": {
\"g\": {
\"properties\": {
\"application\": {
\"type\": \"string\"
\"cas_no\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\"
\"delflag\": {
\"type\": \"string\"
\"other_name_en\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"fields\": {
\"text\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\"
\"other_name_zh\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"fields\": {
\"text\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\"
\"analyzer\": \"ik\"
\"pid\": {
\"type\": \"string\"
\"products_name_en\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"fields\": {
\"text\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\"
\"products_name_zh\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"fields\": {
\"text\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\"
\"analyzer\": \"ik\"
\"supplier_count\": {
\"type\": \"string\"

GET / p_ext_develop / g / _mapping

GET / p_ext_develop / g / _search {
\"query\": {
\"match_all\": {}


GET / p_ext_develop / g / _search {
\"query\": {
\"match\": {
\"pid\": \"pd18051825563\"

GET / p_ext_develop / g / _search {
\"size\": 300,
\"query\": {
\"constant_score\": {
\"filter\": {
\"bool\": {
\"must\": [{
\"term\": {
\"delflag\": \"0\"
\"term\": {
\"cas_no\": {
\"value\": \"75-05-8\"
\"sort\": [{
\"supplier_count\": {
\"order\": \"desc\"

country_short country_name city_name city_short external post_code

DELETE / jerry_data

GET jerry_data / index / _mapping
#7261, 2231 3741 1425
GET /jerry_data/index/_search
\"size\": 10000,
\"query\": {
\"constant_score\": {
\"filter\": {
\"bool\": {
\"must\": [{
\"match\": {
\"country_short\": \"CA\"
\"bool\": {
\"should\": [{
\"prefix\": {
\"city_name\": {
\"value\": \"AIR\"
}, {
\"prefix\": {
\"post_code\": {
\"value\": \"AIR\"
\"sort\": [{ \"city_name\": { \"order\": \"desc\" }},
{ \"post_code\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }}

GET /jerry_data/index/_search
\"size\": 10000,
\"query\": {
\"constant_score\": {
\"filter\": {
\"bool\": {
\"should\": [{
\"regexp\": {
\"country_short\": \"AIR.*\"
}, {
\"regexp\": {
\"city_name\": \"AIR.*\"
\"regexp\": {
\"city_short\": \"AIR.*\"



PUT /jerry_data
\"mappings\": {
\"properties\": {
\"country_short\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\"
\"country_name\": {
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\",
\"type\": \"string\"
\"city_name\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\"
\"city_short\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\"
\"external\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\"

\"post_code\": {
\"type\": \"string\",
\"index\": \"not_analyzed\"




GET /hs2840/index/_search
\"query\": {
\"term\": {
\"country_code\": {
\"value\": \"tt\"

GET /hs2840/index/_search
\"query\": {
\"match_all\": {}

GET /cars/transactions/_search
\"size\": 0,
\"query\": {
\"match_all\": {}
\"aggs\": {
\"colors\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"color\"
# 查询统计
GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"query\": {
\"match\": {
\"make\": \"ford\"
\"aggs\": {
\"colors\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"color\"

GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"query\": {
\"match\": {
\"make\": \"ford\"
\"aggs\": {
\"single_avg_price\": {
\"avg\": {
\"field\": \"price\"
\"all\": {
\"global\": {},
\"aggs\": {
\"avg_price\": {
\"avg\": {
\"field\": \"price\"

GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"query\": {
\"constant_score\": {
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"price\": {
\"gte\": 10000
\"aggs\": {
\"single_avg_price\": {
\"avg\": {
\"field\": \"price\"


GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"query\": {
\"match\": {
\"make\": \"ford\"
\"aggs\": {
\"recent_sales\": {
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"sold\": {
\"from\": \"now-1M\"
\"aggs\": {
\"average_price\": {
\"avg\": {
\"field\": \"price\"


GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"distinct_colors\": {
\"cardinality\": {
\"field\": \"color\"

GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"months\": {
\"date_histogram\": {
\"field\": \"sold\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM-dd\",
\"interval\": \"month\",
\"min_doc_count\": 0,
\"extended_bounds\": {
\"min\": \"2014-01-01\",
\"max\": \"2015-12-31\"
\"aggs\": {
\"distinct_colors\": {
\"cardinality\": {
\"field\": \"color\"

GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"query\": {
\"match\": {
\"make\": \"ford\"
\"post_filter\": {
\"term\": {
\"color\": \"green\"
\"aggs\": {
\"all_colors\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"color\"


GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"popular_colors\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"color\",
\"size\": 50
\"aggs\": {
\"avg_price\": {
\"avg\": {
\"field\": \"price\"
\"make\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"make\",
\"size\": 10
\"aggs\": {
\"min_price\": {
\"min\": {
\"field\": \"price\"
\"max_price\": {
\"max\": {
\"field\": \"price\"

GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"price\": {
\"histogram\": {
\"field\": \"price\",
\"interval\": 20000
\"aggs\": {
\"revenue\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"price\"

GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"sales\": {
\"date_histogram\": {
\"field\": \"sold\",
\"interval\": \"quarter\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM-dd\",
\"min_doc_count\": 0,
\"extended_bounds\": {
\"min\": \"2014-01-01\",
\"max\": \"2014-12-31\"
\"aggs\": {
\"per_make_sum\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"make\"
\"aggs\": {
\"sum_price\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"price\"
\"total_sum\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"price\"


GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"price_count\": {
\"terms\": {
\"size\": 300,
\"field\": \"month\"
\"aggs\": {
\"avg_qty\": {
\"avg\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"country_zh\": {
\"terms\": {
\"size\": 300,
\"field\": \"country_zh\"
\"aggs\": {
\"max_qty\": {
\"min\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"min_qty\": {
\"max\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"sum_qty\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"


GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"query\": {
\"term\": {
\"cas\": {
\"value\": \"29053200\"


GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"query\": {
\"filtered\": {
\"query\": {
\"term\": {
\"cas\": {
\"value\": \"29053200\"
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"gte\": \"2018-01\",
\"lte\": \"2018-12\"


GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"query\": {
\"term\": {
\"country_code\": {
\"value\": \"ar\"

月份的max and min
GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"max_month\": {
\"max\": {
\"field\": \"exportmonth\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM\"
\"min_month\": {
\"min\": {
\"field\": \"exportmonth\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM\"
GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 10000,
\"query\": {
\"term\": {
\"cas\": {
\"value\": \"29171400\"
\"aggs\": {
\"fromdata\": {
\"filter\": {
\"and\": [{
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"from\": \"2018-01\",
\"to\": \"2018-12\"
\"aggs\": {
\"summonth\": {
\"date_histogram\": {
\"field\": \"exportmonth\",
\"interval\": \"month\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM\",
\"min_doc_count\": 0,
\"order\": {
\"_key\": \"desc\"


GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"query\": {
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"from\": \"2018-06\",
\"to\": \"2018-07\"
GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 10000,
\"query\": {
\"bool\": {
\"must\": [{
\"term\": {
\"cas\": {
\"value\": \"29053200\"
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"gte\": \"2018-01\",
\"lte\": \"2018-12\"

GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 5000,
\"query\": {
\"term\": {
\"cas\": {
\"value\": \"31054000\"
\"aggs\": {
\"summonth\": {
\"date_histogram\": {
\"field\": \"exportmonth\",
\"interval\": \"month\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM\",
\"min_doc_count\": 0,
\"extended_bounds\": {
\"min\": \"2018-01\",
\"max\": \"2018-10\"
\"order\": {
\"_key\": \"desc\"
\"aggs\": {
\"datefrom\": {
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"from\": \"2018-01\",
\"to\": \"2018-12\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM\"
\"aggs\": {
\"sum_qty\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"sum_price\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_price\"

GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"total_qty\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"total_price\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_price\"

GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"all\": {
\"global\": {},
\"aggs\": {
\"total_qty\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"total_price\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_price\"
\"bydate\": {
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"gte\": \"2018-01\",
\"lte\": \"2018-12\"
\"aggs\": {
\"bycoutry\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"country_code\",
\"size\": 10,
\"order\": {
\"sum_qty\": \"desc\"
\"aggs\": {
\"sum_qty\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"sum_price\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_price\"

GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"bycountry\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"country_code\",
\"size\": 300
\"aggs\": {
\"bydate\": {
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"gte\": \"2018-01\",
\"lte\": \"2018-12\"
\"aggs\": {
\"bymnth\": {
\"date_histogram\": {
\"field\": \"exportmonth\",
\"interval\": \"month\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM\",
\"min_doc_count\": 0,
\"extended_bounds\": {
\"min\": \"2018-01\",
\"max\": \"2018-12\"
\"order\": {
\"sum_qty\": \"desc\"
\"aggs\": {
\"sum_qty\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"sum_price\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_price\"


GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"bycountry\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"country_code\",
\"size\": 300,
\"order\": {
\"sum_qyt\": \"desc\"
\"aggs\": {
\"sum_qyt\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"sum_price\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_price\"

GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 10000,
\"query\": {
\"term\": {
\"cas\": {
\"value\": \"29173500\"
\"aggs\": {
\"bymonth\": {
\"date_histogram\": {
\"field\": \"exportmonth\",
\"interval\": \"month\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM\",
\"min_doc_count\": 0,
\"extended_bounds\": {
\"min\": \"2019-01\",
\"max\": \"2019-06\"
\"order\": {
\"_key\": \"desc\"
\"aggs\": {
\"sum_qty\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"sum_price\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_price\"
hscode 和时间
GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 10000,
\"query\": {
\"term\": {
\"cas\": \"29173500\"
\"filtered\": {
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"gte\": \"2019-01\",
\"lte\": \"2019-12\"
\"aggs\": {
\"bymonth\": {
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"gte\": \"2019-01\",
\"lte\": \"2019-07\"
\"aggs\": {
\"datelist\": {
\"date_histogram\": {
\"field\": \"exportmonth\",
\"interval\": \"month\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM\",
\"min_doc_count\": 0,
\"extended_bounds\": {
\"min\": \"2019-01\",
\"max\": \"2019-12\"
\"order\": {
\"_key\": \"desc\"
\"aggs\": {
\"sum_qty\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"sum_price\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_price\"

GET / hs2840 / index / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"query\": {
\"term\": {
\"country_code\": {
\"value\": \"ar\"
\"aggs\": {
\"summonth\": {
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"exportmonth\": {
\"gte\": \"2017-01\",
\"lte\": \"2017-12\"
\"aggs\": {
\"data_month\": {
\"date_histogram\": {
\"field\": \"exportmonth\",
\"interval\": \"month\",
\"format\": \"yyyy-MM\",
\"min_doc_count\": 0,
\"extended_bounds\": {
\"min\": \"2017-01\",
\"max\": \"2017-12\"
\"order\": {
\"_key\": \"desc\"
\"aggs\": {
\"sum_qty\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_qty\"
\"sum_price\": {
\"sum\": {
\"field\": \"JSON_price\"


# Delete the `cars`
DELETE / cars

# Index example docs
POST / cars / transactions / _bulk {
\"index\": {}
} {
\"price\": 10000,
\"color\": \"red\",
\"make\": \"honda\",
\"sold\": \"2014-10-28\"
} {
\"index\": {}
} {
\"price\": 20000,
\"color\": \"red\",
\"make\": \"honda\",
\"sold\": \"2014-11-05\"
} {
\"index\": {}
} {
\"price\": 30000,
\"color\": \"green\",
\"make\": \"ford\",
\"sold\": \"2014-05-18\"
} {
\"index\": {}
} {
\"price\": 15000,
\"color\": \"blue\",
\"make\": \"toyota\",
\"sold\": \"2014-07-02\"
} {
\"index\": {}
} {
\"price\": 12000,
\"color\": \"green\",
\"make\": \"toyota\",
\"sold\": \"2014-08-19\"
} {
\"index\": {}
} {
\"price\": 20000,
\"color\": \"red\",
\"make\": \"honda\",
\"sold\": \"2014-11-05\"
} {
\"index\": {}
} {
\"price\": 80000,
\"color\": \"red\",
\"make\": \"bmw\",
\"sold\": \"2014-01-01\"
} {
\"index\": {}
} {
\"price\": 25000,
\"color\": \"blue\",
\"make\": \"ford\",
\"sold\": \"2014-02-12\"

Basic aggregation - most popular car colors
GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"popular_colors\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"color\"

Find the average price of each car color
GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"colors\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"color\"
\"aggs\": {
\"avg_price\": {
\"avg\": {
\"field\": \"price\"

Nest a second bucket to determine top makes per color
GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"colors\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"color\"
\"aggs\": {
\"avg_price\": {
\"avg\": {
\"field\": \"price\"
\"make\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"make\"

GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"query\": {
\"match\": {
\"make\": \"ford\"
\"aggs\": {
\"recent_sales\": {
\"filter\": {
\"range\": {
\"sold\": {
\"from\": \"now-60M\"
\"aggs\": {
\"average_price\": {
\"avg\": {
\"field\": \"price\"

Finally, add some extra metrics to determine min / max price per - make, per - color
GET / cars / transactions / _search {
\"size\": 0,
\"aggs\": {
\"colors\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"color\"
\"aggs\": {
\"avg_price\": {
\"avg\": {
\"field\": \"price\"
\"make\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\": \"make\"
\"aggs\": {
\"min_price\": {
\"min\": {
\"field\": \"price\"
\"max_price\": {
\"max\": {
\"field\": \"price\"


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