发布时间:2024-05-31 14:01
3.异常被方法内部try catch掉了,未向外抛出
而我出现的场景并不在上述的原因列表中,且伴随着@Async注解也失效了,其实是由于Spring 的Aop失效导致的,并可观测出,在controller层拿到的springboot自动注入的service对象并非代理对象。
[com.landray.ldingbridge3.agent.core.service.impl.RoleMenuRelationServiceImpl] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.804 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'rolePermRelationMapper' of type [org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.805 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'rolePermRelationMapper' of type [com.sun.proxy.$Proxy111] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.806 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'rolePermRelationServiceImpl' of type [com.landray.ldingbridge3.agent.core.service.impl.RolePermRelationServiceImpl] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.810 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'userRoleRelationMapper' of type [org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.811 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'userRoleRelationMapper' of type [com.sun.proxy.$Proxy112] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.813 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'userRoleRelationServiceImpl' of type [com.landray.ldingbridge3.agent.core.service.impl.UserRoleRelationServiceImpl] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.818 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'userInfoMapper' of type [org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.819 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'userInfoMapper' of type [com.sun.proxy.$Proxy113] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.826 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'deptInfoMapper' of type [org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.827 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'deptInfoMapper' of type [com.sun.proxy.$Proxy114] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.831 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'deptUserRelationMapper' of type [org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
traceId:[],tenantId:[] 2022-01-04 15:02:10.832 INFO 24056 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'deptUserRelationMapper' of type [com.sun.proxy.$Proxy115] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)